SPOS #892 – Laura Gassner Otting On Finding Success In Wonderhell

Welcome to episode #892 of Six Pixels of Separation – The ThinkersOne Podcast.

Here it is: Six Pixels of Separation – The ThinkersOne Podcast – Episode #892. Friend, author, speaker, thinker and executive coaching powerhouse, Laura Gassner Otting, is not just a catalyst but a virtuoso of ambition. She is someone who traded law school for a spot on a presidential campaign, she’s shaped history, and now, she’s sculpting futures (yours and mine). How? By challenging the mediocrity that binds us to our comfort zones. From the White House to her own executive search firm, she’s navigated change like a seasoned captain steering through turbulent seas (and the work world just got much more turbulent). Laura built one of the swiftest-growing search firms, becoming the ally to dreamers and doers across all shades of ambition. Selling her firm was no swan song. It was a crescendo to new heights. These days, Laura’s not just seen on Good Morning America or the Today Show… she’s felt in the hearts of her readers, in boardrooms, and on stages. With books like Limitless and her latest, Wonderhell, she’s become the ringleader of a movement and community. Her philosophy? It’s not about pursuing success but about defining it. It’s a journey from profit to purpose, wrapped up in big ideas, larger-than-life goals, and an audacity that’s contagious. Her community work isn’t a footnote… it’s a testament. Building schools, running marathons, igniting political action – these aren’t hobbies, they’re hallmarks of someone ignited by big challenges and bigger ideas. Rebel? Sure. Instigator? Absolutely. Provocateur? Without a doubt. Laura’s the embodiment of business acumen with a twist of revolution, served up with a side of ceaseless determination. Let’s dig into how we can all be limitless in our dreams without getting trapped in Wonderhell. Before we do, I’m also honored that Laura is one of our Thinkers on the ThinkersOne platform. Want to add big smarts to your meeting? Get personalized video experiences from top Thinkers like Laura to surprise and inspire your team – in-person, hybrid, or virtual! Enjoy the conversation…

Laura Bosch

Laura is WhatPod's Business Editor. Laura began her career working in Marketing, before moving into Mergers & Aquisitions and becoming a freelance consultant in Strategic Business Development in 2012. A veteran of long haul air travel, she splits her time between Melbourne, Australia and Brighton, UK. Got a podcast to suggest ? Contact Laura (laura.bosch@whatpod.com.au)