SPOS #16 – Geek Dinner Toronto

Welcome to episode #16 of Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast. I did my best to keep this episode tight, but as you can see it’s a touch over one hour because what you are hearing is a very short walk around the table of Geek Dinner Toronto, which took place this past Tuesday (it’s a bunch of great micro conversations). I also had the pleasure of interviewing Bryan Eisenberg from Future Now Inc. and the author of Call To Action and Waiting For Your Cat To Bark. This Eisenberg interview will be part of the Road To Digital Marketing 2006 segment in the coming weeks. Also, just a quick apology to Laurie Dillon (ex-IBM), I’m not great with names and I totally goofed and called her by another name (twice). How embarrassing.

A special thanks to everyone who attended Geek Dinner Toronto. As you can hear, I was happy, sarcastic and relaxed enough with my digerati friends to goof around and have some fun. And now, on with the show…

Here it is: Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast – Episode #16 – Host: Mitch Joel.

– Running time: 1:01:30 (it does not feel this long – trust me). – Audio comment line: 206-666-3772. – Using new music from the Podsafe Music Network. – Camp Walk by Derek K. Miller. – Groove IT by Denis Kitchen. – Comment line: 206-666-3772. – Road To Digital Marketing Conference 2006 segment – interview with Bryan Eisenberg from Call To Action and Waiting For Your Cat To Bark is done. It will be in an upcoming episode. – Next up is Joseph Jaffe (get ready Jaffe, I am coming for you). – CMA – Canadian Marketing AssociationDigital Marketing Conference 2006 October 19th – 20th, 2006. – Six Points Of Separation – Six Tools You Should Be Using Online Everyday. – Radio Canada TV interview on Second Life with a little help from a friend – Cleon Goff (aka C.C. Chapman of Accident Hash and Managing The Gray). – Geek Dinner Toronto from Tuesday, August 29th, 2006. – Roll call: – Terry FallisInside PR and Thornley Fallis Communications. – Ed LeeBlogging Me Blogging You and Fleishman-Hillard. – Michael SeatonThe Client Side and Scotiabank. – Scott Kavanagh – The Power Within. – Leesa BarnesPodnomics, Cubical Divas, Canadian Podcast Listeners Survey and Caprica Interactive. – Michael LeBlancCanWest Interactive, Canada.com and Co-Chair of the CMA – Canadian Marketing Association Digital Marketing Conference 2006. – Goodwin “Goody” Gibson – MacLaren McCaan and Co-Chair of the CMA – Canadian Marketing Association National Conference and Trade Show 2006. – Andrew GoodmanTraffick.com, author of Winning Results With Google AdWords and Page Zero. – Luca del Rosso – The Power Within. – Sulemaan AhmedSears Travel and CMA – Digital Marketing Council. – Parth ShuklaBell.ca and CMA – Digital Marketing Council. – Laurie Dillon – ex-IBM. – Kathryn LagdenAIMS – Association Internet Marketing and Sales. – Stuart MacDonaldMesh – Canada’s Web 2.0 Conference, Blogger and ex-Expedia.ca. – Mona Sharkaway – KISP. – Jay Aber – (M.I.A. from this Podcast, but very present) – Jay Aber and Associates, Chair of the CMA – Digital Marketing Council and ex head of 24-7 Media Canada. – Song selection of the week (courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network) – Deep Purple (can you believe it?) with the song, ‘Woman From Tokyo (Live)‘.

Please join the conversation by sending in questions, feedback and ways to improve Six Pixels Of Separation. Please let me know what you think or leave an audio comment at: 206-666-3772.

Download the Podcast here: Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast – Episode #16 – Host: Mitch Joel.

Laura Bosch

Laura is WhatPod's Business Editor. Laura began her career working in Marketing, before moving into Mergers & Aquisitions and becoming a freelance consultant in Strategic Business Development in 2012. A veteran of long haul air travel, she splits her time between Melbourne, Australia and Brighton, UK. Got a podcast to suggest ? Contact Laura (laura.bosch@whatpod.com.au)