6: Why it’s so important to make security fun, with Smashing Security’s Graham Cluley

  • It’s a brief intro today because we want to get straight to our guest from our favourite security podcast – Smashing Security’s Graham Cluley. Beverley is very much regretting giving the interview to Louisa ‘the Brit interviewing the Brit’ because Graham couldn’t tell that Louisa was British anyway!
  • Graham Cluley is co-host of the award-winning Smashing Security podcast (winner of cybersecurity podcast of the year 2018 and 2019) as well as being a public speaker, award winning blogger and independent computer security analyst
  • More background on Graham here https://www.grahamcluley.com/about-this-site/
  • We get to know Graham a little by chatting about how he landed in Cybersecurity by writing computer games when he was a student and how a package that arrived at his house changed his life
  • How anti-virus was back when Graham started at Dr Solomon’s and how it looks today
  • What Graham is doing today and why he loves podcasting so much
  • Why using humour helps to engage people with security messaging and why Graham feels it’s important to try and be accessible to everyone by using language that people can understand
  • Why it’s hard to stay up to date with security
  • What threats we should be focused on right now noting that some of those aren’t going to be very sexy
  • Graham’s view on the biggest threat right now which is Phishing and why that continues to be a big problem
  • How business email compromise has changed and why it is still a risk for businesses today
  • What can be done about BEC across both process and technology perspective (including email tags, domain name verification, DMARC and what this does)
  • Why technology alone doesn’t effectively stop most of the InfoSec problems
  • What everyone is talking about in Europe (apart from Brexit) including GDPR and whether this is having an impact on executives’ attitudes to security and whether fines need to increase
  • Whether being a ‘secure’ company will be a differentiator
  • Why people get so excited about IoT
  • Whether people actually change suppliers after a data breach or a privacy scandal
  • Whether the Great Hack will change anything in terms of people’s attitudes
  • How the most popular episode of Smashing Security was about quitting Facebook and why people stay
  • We get some great advice from Graham on how he manages passwords and what should we be telling others about how they should manage their passwords. We also discuss password managers and how they can help us to help our families and friends too.
  • Graham’s view on the future and why he is wary of predicting it
  • The role of the cybersecurity community in the future
How to follow Graham:
Podcast: ‘Smashing Security’ with Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault
Twitter: @gcluley
Blog: https://www.grahamcluley.com
​Our key take aways from the chat with Graham including
  • How engaging, fun and relatable Graham’s communication style is
  • Beverley loved Graham’s ‘Open Source Intelligence’ and ‘IOT Toothbrush’ comments and we get to hear her awesome British accent impression 😉
  • Why Louisa didn’t want to admit to Graham that she had a Google home
  • How much is enough to create a wake up call for shareholders around data breaches
  • Quitting Facebook and how hard it is to give up – Beverley has finally given up hers and what the other alternative methods are
  • Whether people actually take action following privacy scandals and what more we can do about that including vote with your keyboard not your feet (that would be #sneakernet)
  • Why we are so grateful to Graham and why you should listen to Smashing Security
Guest:Graham Cluley
Hosts:Beverley Roche and Louisa Vogelenzang
Producer/Editor: Louisa Vogelenzang
Sound Producer:Darcy Milne (Propodcastproduction.com)
  • Business Email Compromise Losses: https://businessinsights.bitdefender.com/fraudsters-steal-million-business-email-compromise
  • Accenture research about businesses differentiating based on trust referenced by Louisa:
“As people become more anxious about their data security and privacy, we’ll start to see…..organisations differentiate based on trust more than on price or on pure technical capabilities”
Note: This quote came from Accenture’s Johnathan Restarick commenting on the Australian results from some 2019 Accenture research – ‘Putting the Human First in the Future Home’ and cited in the Australian Financial Review (subscription only – accessed Thursday 11th July 2019)
  • The Great Hack Netflix documentary https://www.netflix.com/au/title/80117542
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Want to be on the show? Send us your bio and an overview on what you want to chat about and we’ll be in touch asap.
We also welcome guest suggestions – in particular we’d love to hear from new voices in the industry who have new ideas to share about the human side of security.​

Brian Satis

Brian is WhatPod's Technology Editor. San Jose resident and veteran of the first Silicon Valley tech boom, Brian is founder of Duotone Game Studio and a contributing writer for Synthetic Dimensions, Podzone and Tech News Monthly.Got a podcast to suggest ? Contact Brian (brian.satis@whatpod.com.au)