Business Around The World

With only a small selection of podcasts to profile in each WhatPod season, it’s a little challenging to try to cover all of things that inspire me and keep me on track with motivation and input. But this selection should give a kickstart of experience and motivation and cover a few approaches from across the world.

Kicking off with the man who really should be the Jimminee Cricket (or is Good Angel ?) on my shoulder. Gary Vaynerchuk has become an icon of motivation with his mile a minute delivery, backed by some serious entrepreneurial success. With his hard-driven content production team, expect him to be there with new thoughts for you on “The Gary Vee Audio Experience‘ almost every day!

Mitch Joel’s long running ‘Six Pixels Of Separation‘ straddles business and technology with some first rate guest speakers. Mixing up a hit of business growth, state of the market and tech innovation with heavy hitters like Avinash Kaushik, Seth Godin and Douglas Rushkoff.

Business coach Andrew Horsfield offers a more laid back approach to similar territory in ‘The Messy Middle‘. His episodes are themed on practical skills and approaches to business, with successful business people and speakers featured guests each month.

I love history, and the dramatic business battles of history featured in ‘Business Wars‘ give me a great sense of why we’re in the business environments that we are today.

Business Podcasts for this month

Lastly, my marketing background makes me feel at home listening to PR talk so the ‘Influence Unlocked‘ podcast gives me that ‘water cooler chat’ feeling. PR and marketing influencer-based discussion with Samantha Dybac extracting the stories from disruptors and CEO’s.

Laura Bosch

Laura is WhatPod's Business Editor. Laura began her career working in Marketing, before moving into Mergers & Aquisitions and becoming a freelance consultant in Strategic Business Development in 2012. A veteran of long haul air travel, she splits her time between Melbourne, Australia and Brighton, UK. Got a podcast to suggest ? Contact Laura (