Why Alexa Skills Are The Next “iPhone Apps” | An Interview With Alexa Developers at Amazon

This is a SUPER important interview, for a lot of reasons, I go super in depth with Paul Cutsinger about what my views of the future of voice & Alexa are, and really lay out why the space is so important. If you’re as focused on the voice space as I am (you should be), this is an all-timer for you. 

Curious about Alexa? Hit up their dev site: https://alexa.design/vaynermedia

Laura Bosch

Laura is WhatPod's Business Editor. Laura began her career working in Marketing, before moving into Mergers & Aquisitions and becoming a freelance consultant in Strategic Business Development in 2012. A veteran of long haul air travel, she splits her time between Melbourne, Australia and Brighton, UK. Got a podcast to suggest ? Contact Laura (laura.bosch@whatpod.com.au)