The Thank You Economy & Snapchat Payments

#QOTD: What’s the last app you downloaded?

The humanization of business. Manners of Marketing. Thank You Economy. They’re all same. Now that the Internet has allowed consumers to have more control, businesses are expected to behave differently and interact with their communities in a way that humanizes their messaging. Unfortunately however, brands haven’t fully embraced the mindset that I thought would have been exhausted by now. 

My prediction with the Thank You Economy was that by 2015 everybody would be on board. Unfortunately, that is not the case. People just haven’t adopted it at scale and therefore how can it really be over? Nobody’s ruined it. This might actually take forever or never happen at all although I know that those practicing it are getting real results. I see those emails every day. 

And so, my prediction was incredibly off. It just may never happen at scale because companies can be heartless. Heck, even I’m heartless when it comes to money. I know that business is all about the wallet and I get that, but there’s a real financial benefit with TYE mentality. I see the dividends with it each and every day. People are STILL flabbergasted when a company reaches out to them with a half-assed approach, and so I know that the potential is still there, but I’m utterly confused as to how it hasn’t been fully adopted yet. It’s 2015, people!

Laura Bosch

Laura is WhatPod's Business Editor. Laura began her career working in Marketing, before moving into Mergers & Aquisitions and becoming a freelance consultant in Strategic Business Development in 2012. A veteran of long haul air travel, she splits her time between Melbourne, Australia and Brighton, UK. Got a podcast to suggest ? Contact Laura (