SPOS #696 – Nancy Duarte On Using Data Better In Presentations

Welcome to episode #696 of Six Pixels of Separation.

Here it is: Six Pixels of Separation – Episode #696 – Host: Mitch Joel. Nancy Duarte is a communication expert. Hard stop. That’s not hyperbole. She is an expert… maybe even THE expert in how to tell great stories and present them in a compelling way. Her firm, Duarte, is the global leader behind some of the most influential visual messages in business and culture. As a persuasion expert, she cracked the code for effectively incorporating story patterns into business communications. She’s written five best-selling books (including the must-have Slide:ology, Resonate and Illuminate), four of which have won major book awards. Her company is one of the top woman-owned businesses in North America. Nancy has won several awards for communications, entrepreneurship, and her success as a female executive. On the list of top 250 Women in Leadership, Nancy ranks #67 and on World’s Top 30 Communication Professionals for 2017, Nancy ranks #1. She is also a professional speaker at and has many more speakers in her firm’s clientele. Her TEDx talk has had over two million views (The secret structure of great talks). Her latest book, DataStory looks at how to inspire action and story through a company’s data. You don’t want to miss this chat. Enjoy the conversation…

Laura Bosch

Laura is WhatPod's Business Editor. Laura began her career working in Marketing, before moving into Mergers & Aquisitions and becoming a freelance consultant in Strategic Business Development in 2012. A veteran of long haul air travel, she splits her time between Melbourne, Australia and Brighton, UK. Got a podcast to suggest ? Contact Laura (laura.bosch@whatpod.com.au)