SPOS #181 – Seth Godin Talks About What Matters Now

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Welcome to episode #181 of Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast. If there is one name that comes immediately to mind when people think of “marketing”, it is Seth Godin. Beyond being a best-selling business book author (Permission Marketing, Purple Cow, The Dip, Tribes, etc…), one of the top business Bloggers in the world and one of the most in-demand public speakers, Godin is also the owner of one of the Top 100 websites in the world, Squidoo, and he even has his own action figure (that’s no joke). He is about to release his latest book titled, Linchpin – Are You Indispensable? (in late January 2010), and he is the brains behind an excellent new/about-to-be-released e-book titled, What Matters Now (which I contributed to). He’s been on the Podcast many times in the past, and is always one of the most insightful people I know. Enjoy the conversation…

Here it is: Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast – Episode #181 – Host: Mitch Joel.

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Download the Podcast here: Six Pixels Of Separation – The Twist Image Podcast – Episode #181 – Host: Mitch Joel.


Laura Bosch

Laura is WhatPod's Business Editor. Laura began her career working in Marketing, before moving into Mergers & Aquisitions and becoming a freelance consultant in Strategic Business Development in 2012. A veteran of long haul air travel, she splits her time between Melbourne, Australia and Brighton, UK. Got a podcast to suggest ? Contact Laura (laura.bosch@whatpod.com.au)