SPOS #03


Welcome to the third episode of Six Pixels Of Separation – The Podcast. This was a busy week that was packed with lots of events. The big news for this edition of Six Pixels Of Separation is the length of the show (which is close to twenty minutes). This happened because I conducted my first set of interviews, and I included short clips of them in this episode. I’m still getting used to being a roving reporter again (it feels good), so if you think I’m off mark, missing anything or would like to hear me speak on a particular subject, please email me.

Here it is: Episode #3 – Six Pixels Of Separation – Host: Mitch Joel.

Six Pixels Of Separation – The Podcast – Episode #3 – Show Notes:

– Running time: 19:06. – iTunes. – Podcast Alley. – Thanks Matt Fogel from Twist Image. – InfoPresse Search Engine Day. – Gord Hotchkiss, President of Enquiro. – Gord’s Blog – Out Of My Gord. – Search Insider – MediaPost – Tales Of Mobile Woe. – Yellow Pages Group – Sebastien Provencher. – Networld Media.IAB Canada – Surf Qui Peut – summer social event. – YULBiz. – Interview with Michel LeBlanc. – Interview with Philippe Martin from N’ayez Pas Peur. – Interview with Eric Baillargeon from SEO & Web Marketing News North. – Canadian Marketing Association Blog. – eMarketing Council. – Michael Seaton’s new Blog, The Client Side. – Online Vs. Nonline – CMA article written by Anthony Boright (President, Vault Solutions). – CMA’s Branding and Strategic Council’s first Podcast. – CMA – Blogs – A Marketers’ Secret Weapon Seminar. – Shout-out to Wave Generation congrats on five years.

As always, your comments, feedback and help on Six Pixels of Separation is appreciated. Please let me know what you think.

Download the Podcast here: Episode #3 – Six Pixels Of Separation – Host: Mitch Joel.

Laura Bosch

Laura is WhatPod's Business Editor. Laura began her career working in Marketing, before moving into Mergers & Aquisitions and becoming a freelance consultant in Strategic Business Development in 2012. A veteran of long haul air travel, she splits her time between Melbourne, Australia and Brighton, UK. Got a podcast to suggest ? Contact Laura (laura.bosch@whatpod.com.au)