Monetizing Media Sites, Sad Super Bowl Ads & Solid Data

#QOTD: What question would you really like to ask me based on Steve’s last question that you’ve never asked me? Meaning: can you come up with an interesting question for me?


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All of my strategy is completely intuition. Why? Because if you look at my twenty year career, most of it has been guessing, and, I’d like to think, projecting where the market is going to go. There was no data on what e-commerce would do in 1996. There was no data on email marketing when you were one of the first hundred people using it. There was no data on what Instagram was going to bring us in value when AJ sold Brisk Iced Tea an Instagram campaign thirteen days after Instagram launched. And…there was no data around Vine celebrities when I launched my Vine talent agency 110 days after Vine launched. 

So from a strategy standpoint, I get the accolades and have the luxury of doing a show that people actually watch completely on intuition because that’s what I have that other people don’t have. It’s no different than being great at basketball or being attractive or all the other good things that can happen in life. It was just there. 

But, I do think data still plays a role. I make these predictions, but then to actually run the business you need to know what’s going on. My practicality comes into play. VaynerMedia grew very quickly, and you don’t do that if you can’t make payroll, right? You obviously need that practicality to run a business. 

I used to think I was a super 50/50 guy on this. My personality and communication style gets people’s attention and put me in one place, but I take enormous pride in being able to shut up some times too. The first ten years of my career I kept my mouth shut. I built something and then I started talking.

So it’s both. I built the data early in my career. I got into business and entrepreneurship early. But now I’m making calls on intuition. I need both. 

Laura Bosch

Laura is WhatPod's Business Editor. Laura began her career working in Marketing, before moving into Mergers & Aquisitions and becoming a freelance consultant in Strategic Business Development in 2012. A veteran of long haul air travel, she splits her time between Melbourne, Australia and Brighton, UK. Got a podcast to suggest ? Contact Laura (