Foreword Thinking 06 – Change the World – In Conversation with John Wood

Welcome to episode #6 of Foreword Thinking – The Business and Motivational Book Review Podcast presented by HarperCollins Canada. John Wood, literally, left Microsoft to change the world. And while it is the title of his best-selling book, Leaving Microsoft to Change The World, it is just one of the many components of his hugely successful not-for-profit organization called, Room To Read. John and his volunteers are breaking the cycle of poverty by creating libraries and schools throughout rural and poor communities in Asia, Africa, and soon in Latin America. It’s an inspiring story that I hope will get you thinking about what you can do to make a change in the world. I am also looking to do a SkypeCast on the changes that have occurred in the business world since Jim Collins released his powerful business book, Good To Great. If you would like to be a part of that show, please drop me a line.

Dowload the Podcast here: Foreword Thinking Podcast – Episode 6: Change the World – In Conversation with John Wood

  • Running time: 25:00.
  • Welcome to Foreword Thinking – The Business and Motivational Book Review Podcast presented by HarperCollins Canada.
  • Subscribe to the show over at iTunes.
  • Please join the conversation by calling the comment line: +1 206-350-5671 (note: this is a long-distance call).
  • Please send in questions, comments, suggestions –
  • Always visit the website –
  • Upcoming conversation with Ben Mezrich author of Bringing Down The House, Busting Vegas, Ugly Americans and the upcoming book, Rigged.
  • Join me for a SkypeCast on Good To Great – Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t – Jim Collins – let’s discuss what’s happened since the book came out and if anything has changed. Please let me know if you would like to take part.
  • Upcoming conversation about the environment with Tim Flannery author of The Weather Makers.
  • This episode is a conversation with John Wood author of Leaving Microsoft to Change The World and founder of the amazing non-profit group, Room To Read.
  • The interview runs about 20 minutes.


Laura Bosch

Laura is WhatPod's Business Editor. Laura began her career working in Marketing, before moving into Mergers & Aquisitions and becoming a freelance consultant in Strategic Business Development in 2012. A veteran of long haul air travel, she splits her time between Melbourne, Australia and Brighton, UK. Got a podcast to suggest ? Contact Laura (