Foreword Thinking 05 – Get Into The Zone

Welcome to episode #5 of Foreword Thinking – The Business and Motivational Book Review Podcast presented by HarperCollins Canada. How often do you think about the world’s best performers and how they manage to “turn it on” in that moment of pressure? It may be in front of millions of people, or it may be your next sales call, we all need to better understand how to get in “the zone.” In this episode with speak with Jim Fannin, the author of S.C.O.R.E For Life, and the leading zone coach in the world. This is an incredible conversation – I hope you enjoy it. I am also looking to do a SkypeCast on the changes that have occurred in the business world since Jim Collins released his powerful business book, Good To Great. If you would like to be a part of that show, please drop me a line.

Download the Podcast here: Foreword Thinking Podcast – Episode 5: Get Into The Zone


Laura Bosch

Laura is WhatPod's Business Editor. Laura began her career working in Marketing, before moving into Mergers & Aquisitions and becoming a freelance consultant in Strategic Business Development in 2012. A veteran of long haul air travel, she splits her time between Melbourne, Australia and Brighton, UK. Got a podcast to suggest ? Contact Laura (