#AskGaryVee 274 | Hasan Minhaj


My man Hasan Minhaj isn’t just a fire comedian and correspondent on the Daily Show, he’s also one of the best guests ever on the AskGaryVee show. This all-time episode is one you really, REALLY don’t want to miss. I’m incredibly impressed by this man and his knowledge of the Garyvee brand, and truly loved chatting with him. We dove into his literal origin story as a first generation immigrant, with him speaking about the come-up and milestones in his career, before hitting Daily Show fame. The call ins shine here, with comedy related, life related and career related questions and a massive amout of humor. This is an all-time episode, and you really don’t want to miss this. Hit me up and let me know your thoughts <3

Laura Bosch

Laura is WhatPod's Business Editor. Laura began her career working in Marketing, before moving into Mergers & Aquisitions and becoming a freelance consultant in Strategic Business Development in 2012. A veteran of long haul air travel, she splits her time between Melbourne, Australia and Brighton, UK. Got a podcast to suggest ? Contact Laura (laura.bosch@whatpod.com.au)