#AskGaryVee 259 | Doing Business in China, Answering “What Should I Do?” & Mobile Payments Industry

Loved this Q&A we did from my hotel room on a recent visit to Hong Kong. The questions these students asked were great, ranging from defining what’s the most promising opportunities in biology are, to my thoughts behind what online shopping will be like in the future, advice for AI startups and ideas about why the US often lags behind other markets. This is a really good one, hope you enjoy 😉 

Laura Bosch

Laura is WhatPod's Business Editor. Laura began her career working in Marketing, before moving into Mergers & Aquisitions and becoming a freelance consultant in Strategic Business Development in 2012. A veteran of long haul air travel, she splits her time between Melbourne, Australia and Brighton, UK. Got a podcast to suggest ? Contact Laura (laura.bosch@whatpod.com.au)