30: Episode 30 – Lisa Lahey – Immunity to change

My guest this month is Lisa Lahey. Faculty member at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, co-founder of consulting practice Minds at Work, and author of an incredible book Immunity to Change. A really insightful book that tackles an all too familiar problem: why do so many change efforts fail?

In this conversation, Lisa draws on her 20+ years of research and consulting practice to share why change can be hard and offers a practical framework to help you unlock the potential in yourself, and the people you lead. This is not a conversation where you will find the five steps or seven secrets for creating change. It’s a considered exploration for how you can advance by overcoming your own natural, and very powerful, immunity to change.

Something that will make more sense as you listen and learn from the practical, relatable, and very reputable, Lisa Lahey.

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29: Episode 29 – Andrew May – Optimal performance

This month I am talking with Andrew May, the Founder of Strive Stronger. A digital consultancy designed to inspire people to wake up to a better way of living, working and leading. With dual degrees in Physiology and Psychology, Andrew has the rare ability to understand how the body and brain work together to help people optimize their performance in pressure moments.

Andrew is a coach and confidante to executives, elite athletes and performing artists, as well as an author, regular media commentator, and is the current mental skills coach for the Parramatta Eels NRL Club. Andrew’s deep commitment to his craft allows us to cover a lot of ground in this conversation. You will want to grab a pen and paper for this one to capture the inspiration, ideas and wisdom that Andrew shares throughout our conversation together.

I hope you enjoy this conversation with performance expert, Andrew May.

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28: Episode 28 – David Marquet – Intent based leadership

David Marquet is a powerful leader because he doesn’t just know how to lead, he also knows how to build other leaders. As Commander of the USS Santa Fe, he transformed the Navy’s worst performing submarine into a ship that won awards and was considered best in Class.

During this conversation we discuss the principles that helped David create such a significant transformation. He shares a host of practical ideas that reinforce how making a few small changes to your intention and language, can make a significant impact to leadership and team performance.

The author of two books, Turn the Ship Around and Leadership is Language, David is a widely respected author and speaker who believes communicating intention, rather than giving instruction, is an essential skill for modern-day leadership. It’s time to listen and learn from leadership expert, David Marquet.

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27: Episode 27 – Ronni Kahn – Founder of OzHarvest

When I found out Ronni had written her autobiography I immediately went down to my local bookstore and bought a copy. And you should too.
Ronni is a social entrepreneur who’s on a mission to reduce our food waste and feed hungry people. Her book A Repurposed Life is an authentic read that is littered with powerful and thought-provoking insights and life lessons.
In this conversation, Ronni and I talk about doing purposeful work, the power of self-perception, overcoming the inevitable obstacles that come with doing work that matters; and a powerful call to action she discovered, that drives her work and life every day.
I found our conversation incredibly meaningful, and motivating, and hope you too, enjoy this episode with the Founder of Oz Harvest, Ronni Kahn.

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26: Episode 26 – Andrew Barnes – The 4 Day Week

This month I have a ripping conversation with Pioneer of the 4-day week, Andrew Barnes. A leader who recognised the way we currently work isn’t conducive for people, or performance; and courageously empowered his employees to design and deliver better ways to work.

The result of which was the 4-day week. A new approach to work governed by three core principles: the business targets need to be achieved, with people only working four days per week, while still being paid their equivalent full-time salary.

In this conversation I talk with Andrew about what a 4-day week really means, what he did to make it work; and some of the different methods people used to become more productive. In a world where we sadly, still wear busyness as a badge of honour, this conversation will really resonate for individuals and organisations who are looking for better ways to work.

I hope you enjoy this conversation with pioneer of the 4-day work week, Andrew Barnes. The kind of courageous leader the world needs more of.

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25: Episode 25 – Colin D Ellis – Crack the culture code

Culture. It’s one of those things that, when we get it right, can become a catalyst for attracting talent, building productivity and driving higher levels of
engagement. Of course, get it wrong and all hell can break loose.

So, this month, I sat down with Colin Ellis to talk about how leaders can crack the culture code. Apart from helping organisations create strong cultures, Colin has written four best-selling books, speaks at conferences around the world, and is the host his own podcast called Culture Makers:
a terrific podcast for anyone who wants to create a great place to work.

In this episode Colin shares his insights about why we need diversity and difference in teams, how to adapt and evolve your culture, as well as some of the common mistakes, leaders make when trying to create cultural change. I hope you enjoy this conversation with Colin Ellis.

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24: Episode 24 – Lucas Patchett – Orange Sky

In late 2014, two mates from Brisbane, Lucas Patchett and Nic Marchesi installed a couple of washing machines and dryers into the back of an old van and started visiting the parks around Brisbane to wash and dry clothes for free.
Fast forward to today, Orange Sky now has 33 vans across the country, and include shower services and remote vehicles in their fleet, giving people across Australia access to free laundry and shower services. But of course, like most entrepreneurial ideas, the path to success was rarely smooth or straight forward, and so naturally, involved a few lessons about leadership and building a successful business.
In this episode, Lucas shares some of those lessons he and Nic learned as they built a business that today, is making a significant social impact. I hope you enjoy this conversation with one of the Founders of Orange Sky, Lucas Patchett.

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23: Episode 23 – Susan Alberti – Businesswoman and philanthropist

Susan is a powerful woman who has achieved a significant level of success in her life. Widely known for her passion and service to the Western Bulldog’s Football Club, and for being the catalyst for the formation of the AFLW competition, Susan has also worked tirelessly as a philanthropist, fundraiser and advocate, raising tens of millions of dollars to cure the disease that tragically took her daughter’s life.

In this conversation, we talk about the origins of her success, how to develop a reputation for results; and the lessons she’s learned in striving to make a positive contribution to the many organisations where she has given her time and talent.

I hope you enjoy this conversation with one of Australia’s pre-eminent businesswomen and philanthropists, Susan Alberti.

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22: Episode 22 – Hannah Huesman – Mental Skills Coach

Mention mental skills and many people conjure up someone seeking out professional help to address an issue or fix something that’s wrong.

Ask Hannah Huesman, the mental skills coach for Major League Baseball team, the Philadelphia Phillies, and she will tell you: a strong mental game is one of the most critical factors for your success the more you advance in your career, leadership or life.

In this episode we have a broad ranging conversation around mental skills and performance, and Hannah offers some compelling insights that make it easy to see why she was recently voted #2 in LinkedIn’s Top Voices in Sport for 2020.

If you have an urge to find your edge, you’re really going to enjoy this
compelling conversation with the Philadelphia Phillies mental skills coach, Hannah Huesman.

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